What To Expect When You Visit in Greenville SC
How to Find a Chiropractor in Greenville SC
We Look Forward To Meeting You And Your Family In Greenville SC
THINC Chiropractic is our home away from home and we want you to feel the same. As a practice member at our Greenville SC chiropractic clinic, you are a member of our family and we pride ourselves on creating an environment where you will feel like you are at home. We look forward to providing very specific and gentle care for you and your family as you become part of ours! The steps below outline your first and second visits at THINC.
Step One: Health History
When you first arrive at our office you will be requested to fill out our patient intake form as completely as possible. This allows our team to better understand your case and health history, along with what your health goals are.

Completing this form takes about 10-15 minutes, so to save your time in the office, you can complete your intake forms online prior to arriving.
Step Two: Consultation

A team member will discuss your health history and dig deeper to discover your health challenges and health goals. We explain exactly how we will get to the root cause of your health concerns and correct it at the source with specific chiropractic care so your body can express true health and healing.
We believe education empowers you understand more about how your body functions and thus, helps with the overall healing process.
Step Three: Neurological Exam
The doctor will conduct a neurological exam to get a direct understanding of how your nervous system is functioning, where nerve interference is occurring, and how much stress is taking place within your body.

The doctor will also conduct a series of range of motion and may include orthopedic tests to further understand your spine motion and joint function. A posture analysis will also be taken to better understand how your posture is impacting the function of your spine and nervous system.
These diagnostic tests allow us to fully understand the state of your health and areas of specific concern which are impacting not only your spine but entire nervous system function.
Step Four: Postural Motion Xrays

While they are not always necessary, the final step of your first visit to the office is to have postural digital x-rays taken (if clinically indicated).c
Conveniently located in our office, our digital x-ray suite is professional, simple, safe, and usually takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Postural x-rays allow for us to see any loss of curvature, disc space, or any spinal degeneration. Additionally, x-rays provide the ability to see structurally what is going on with your spine is critical to understanding the function of your nervous system
To see is to know, and to not see is to guess, and we will never guess with your health!
Step Five: Report Of Findings
Following your first visit, you will return to the office for your Report of Findings visit which will be your most important visit at our office. At this appointment Dr. Zane will discuss health and healing from A-Z.

He will individually review your neurological evaluation and postural x-ray findings from your assessment as well as discuss his best recommendations for you.
If you choose to move forward with the doctor’s recommendation, Dr. Zane will then deliver a very gentle and specific chiropractic adjustment* working to restore the full healing potential of your body to allow your body to function optimally and naturally, just as God designed it.
Chiropractic adjustments at THINC Chiropractic are gentle enough for children, and specific enough to benefit any health condition you may encounter.
Before you leave, we will give you information on how you can expect to feel after your first adjustment and as you continue with care.
*Please Note: Adjustments are not included in new patient appointment fees or new patient specials.
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
THINC Chiropractic
579 Haywood Rd
Greenville, SC 29607